Helpful Breast Cancer Resources
After a breast cancer diagnosis, finding supportive, credible resources can help you become more educated, make informed decisions, and identify useful tips.
Some advocacy organizations have helpful websites that provide more in-depth information on cancer, breast cancer specifically, treatment options, and other support resources.
Advanced Breast Cancer Community
Advanced Breast Cancer Community is an organization focused on patients and their families facing advanced stage breast cancer and metastatic breast cancer.
American Cancer Society
The American Cancer Society is a nationwide organization dedicated to eliminating cancer and providing education and support for patients, their friends and families, and survivors living with cancer.
Breast provides in-depth breast cancer information and helps patients and caregivers sort through the complexities of having breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Recovery
Breast Cancer Recovery provides programs, conducted by fellow survivors, to help women heal emotionally from breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Research Foundation
The Breast Cancer Research Foundation provides funding for innovative research to achieve prevention and a cure for breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Resource Center
The Breast Cancer Resource Center provides guidance, education, and assistance through a variety of programs and resources, and helps make connections with others in the breast cancer community.
CancerCare provides comprehensive professional support services to help people manage cancer, including counseling, support groups, education, and financial assistance.
Cancer Support Community
The Cancer Support Community is an international organization offering social and emotional support for patients and their families, and also leads research and advocacy efforts.
Living Beyond Breast Cancer
Living Beyond Breast Cancer connects people with information and resources about breast cancer and offers a community of support.
Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance
The Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance brings together nonprofit groups, advocates, and others to improve the lives and outcomes for those living with metastatic breast cancer and their families through increasing awareness and education.
National Breast Cancer Research Foundation
The National Breast Cancer Research Foundation supports early detection, education, and support services such as patient navigation.
National Cancer Institute
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is a branch of the National Institutes of Health and the primary government agency for cancer research and training. The NCI coordinates the National Cancer Program and is a resource for a wide range of information on the cause, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and continuing care of cancer.
Sharsheret is national organization supporting Jewish women and their families coping with breast cancer.
Sisters Network
The Sisters Network is a national organization increasing focus and awareness on the impact of breast cancer within the African American community.
Susan G. Komen
Susan G. Komen is an international organization dedicated to supporting research, community health outreach, and advocacy for breast cancer.
Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation
The Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation focuses on research, education, awareness, and encouragement of patients with triple negative breast cancer.
Young Survival
Young Survival is an organization for young breast cancer patients that offers support groups, educational conferences, and advocacy resources.